Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Matthew 3-4

As I read these two chapters the thought came to me:  What do I have my eyes on?  It is a question that individuals were asked over and over again:
  • When the religious leaders came to watch the baptisms of John he asked them what they had their eyes on, baptism or repentance?
  • When Jesus came to be baptized by John and John tried to refuse, Jesus asked him if he had his eyes on who was greater or fulfilling God's purposes.
  • When Satan tried to get Jesus to place his eyes on his own hunger Jesus responded that his eyes are on God's words.
  • When Satan tried to get Jesus to place his eyes on the miraculous, Jesus responded that his eyes are on God's will and desires.
  • When Satan tried to get Jesus to place his eyes on short cuts to his mission, Jesus responded by keeping his eyes on worshiping God.
  • Simon, Andrew, James and John moved their eyes from mending their nets to following Jesus.
Where our eyes are focused influence how we respond to God.  That's just what I saw.  What did you see as you read these chapters?

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