Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Matthew 26-28

We have read these words of the crucifixion and resurrection so often that we have to be careful we do not just skim over these words.This is not just the historical recreation of the events, but a picture of individuals who had to make a choice as to who Jesus really was:

  1. Judas makes a decision of money over Jesus, which ultimately brought no joy, only remorse.
  2. Peter proudly proclaimed his desire to follow Jesus no matter what, only to cower in fear under the pressure of those who began to accuse him.
  3. Pilate bowed to the pressure of the crowd.
  4. The guards saw the truth of not only the crucifixion ("this was the son of God") but the resurrection and took money to hide the truth.
  5. Joseph of Arimathea, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary did their last duties of caring for a deceased Jesus, but didn't remember Jesus' promise of resurrection.
All of this happened before the resurrection.  The resurrection changed everything.  Although we don't see the totality of what that meant for each of these individuals, we do read that Jesus entrusted His mission to those who ran away, denied or didn't believe all that He said.  These early Christians were not naturally world changers by their talents, abilities or even faith.  They were people who got caught up in the story of Jesus, struggled with understanding what it all meant, and then most of them became part of this movement to turn the world toward Jesus.

Something changed.  Has that change happened in you?

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