Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 8

Take Captive Every thought! We can control what our minds do. We don't have to think the thoughts that come into our heads. Time to go to war!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 7

Let the Word of God "marinate" in your heart. This is the second reference to food in this journey. The first was more of a question of what you "feast on." Now we have a picture of allowing the Word of God be our marinade, which changes our taste, or flavor, enhancing us. Have you tried sitting quietly allowing a verse, or passage, just "sit" inside you, letting it be repeated over and over again. I have been doing this by my fire pit in the evening.
"Yes, Lord, alking in your ways we wait for you....."
"The Word of God is living and active. Sharper than a double edged sword, it penetrate even to divide soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thought and attitudes OF THE HEART."

When you use the ord of God as a marinade, your heart takes on the flavor (and substance) of God's Word.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 6

OK. I admit it. I am craving cookies (double stuffed oreos) and pie. I have been surprised at the strength of these cravings. I have almost rationalized having some by saying I don't need to be legalistic, and some of my "arguments" with myself have lasted more than a few minutes before I resisted. But the craving has been very strong. I have turned that craving toward looking at My Father. But this sugar craving is physical, mental, somewhat emotional and continual. I pray that my craving for God becomes just as strong!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 5

Ok, I been placing these notes on line one day late. But you can still respond:) The scary thing for me about this days focus is not that I have a lot of excuses to sin, but that I have none. I choose to not listen, or shut out the voice of the Spirit during those times of temptation. I almost always know what I should do! Even with a 1000 choices to make each day. When I want to feast at another table, I just place me fingers in my ears and say, "I'm not listening..." But the more I shut out the Spirit's voice, the more the Spirit gets quiet in my life. I think it goes together. We reap what we sow.

"Walking in your ways, we wait for; your name and renown are the desires of our hearts." Isaiah 26:8

Monday, July 27, 2009

Day 4

I guess rewards don't help inspire me any more in my faith. But the understanding of "influence" and how my actions influence others is very intimidating.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Eric Lidell

I don't think I have ever done anything to place my name with theirs on a list of examples for others to follow. I would hope I can sow enough to reap that kind of harvest for the Kingdom.

Now that affects my faith!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Day 3

Two things grabbed me tonight:
  1. "Be careful not to try to do God's job for Him. Relax....then move on." (p. 47) How important is that. We sometimes try to force God's presence or force guilt or force transformation. Then when we have manufactured a response or solution we stay in that sin or difficulty instead of moving on. God can do things without our help, although I think He desires a willing heart from us.
  2. I like what he concludes with as far as a collision goes. That why I said preaching several weeks ago that I am not praying for a revival. Revivals are momentary encounters with God that, for many people, are not lasting and they end up worse than when they began after falling away. I am praying for transformation. That I will be substantively different at the end of August than I am now. Yes, I am expecting something of lasting value to come out of this for me. (and everyone who participates).

Friday, July 24, 2009

Day 2 - Flesh and Spirit

John 6:63 - "The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing." That's pretty blunt and very difficult. Playing softball last night I was horrible: 4-5 errors costing I don't know how many runs. And to top it off, I slipped and fell twice - 2 plays in a row. As an athlete I was embarressed and I felt I let my teammates down. I began sinking into depression and anger. In fact, I had to work hard not to throw my glove in disgust. But I haeld it all in. But what do I do with all that anger (rage, really!)?

I spent my time last night with God; going through the readings and then just sitting on the back porch being with God, asking for his presence. Then this morning I did the same. And that verse in John really grabbed ahold of me. "The flesh counts for nothing." Nothing. Then why is it so importnat to me? Because I am made of flesh and live in the flesh. I am culturally influenced by success and failure, and by the focus on performance. It is a difficult thing to "starve" the need to succeed. Especially as I age and want to do what I used to be able to do.

I think we are taught that the flesh gives us life and the Spirit is added on to make us feel good. The flesh is not dependable and it really can bring us to nothing if we depend upon it. I want life. And I cannot have that by mere success. In anything. I can only have that through my life in the Spirit.

But the battle is not always easy.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day One - Covenant

As I filled out the covenant page and committed to giving up sweets for the next 40 days I thought for a while about what it means to make a covenant. In a world where contracts are renegociated or broken, and a person's word is no longer their bond, why will I keep this covenant? No one really knows (now you do) what I am giving up. There are no signs on my forehead asking people to be kind to me since I will not be eating sweets (or keep their own sweets at least 100 yards away from me). I will not be performing the "Great No Sweets Trick" for any audience. No am I doing this to lose eight. This is different.

A covenant is a binding agreement beteen two parties: this one between God and myself. I am sure I could have chosen something a little more difficult to give up for the next 40 days, like solid food, or driving my car, or contact with humans. But I wanted something that would be a subtle and constant reminder that God is present in my daily life, in the mundane and routine things of life. It is my hope that in seeing, passing up and resisting those tasty morsels that I sometimes even crave (last night I wanted double-stuffed Oreos), I will replace that craving with a craving for the closeness of My Father.

Well, it looks like today I will be taking my time with God later at night. The day is packed full and I got a late start today. Let me know (if you like) what you are fasting from and how your first day went. Let's travel this road together.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

One More Day

I am excited about bginning this journey. I hope you are joining me! The book, "A Call To Die" by David Nasser will be our resource. The presence of God will be our goal. I do have three books left in my office if you are interested!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Two days to Begin

I am really excited about starting this study. I hope there are some dong this with me. As we begin, just remember that this is about being open to God's presence in our daily lives. Structure is helpful to me at times. Let me know if you are doing the "A Call To Die" study.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It begins July 23!

Don't forget to get your book, "A Call to Die" by David Nasser. Begn on July 23rd. And check in each day on this blog to make a comment, let us know how you are doing or just read what I have written.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Call To Die

OK, get ready for a 40 day walk together. Get the book, "A Call To Die" by David Nasser and plan to begin walking through this book on July 23. That will be Day 1. We will finish on August 31. Each day I will post something about that particular day and give anyone a chance to comment on whatever they would like. This 40 day adventure will prepare us for a great season of ministry this fall!