Friday, July 24, 2009

Day 2 - Flesh and Spirit

John 6:63 - "The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing." That's pretty blunt and very difficult. Playing softball last night I was horrible: 4-5 errors costing I don't know how many runs. And to top it off, I slipped and fell twice - 2 plays in a row. As an athlete I was embarressed and I felt I let my teammates down. I began sinking into depression and anger. In fact, I had to work hard not to throw my glove in disgust. But I haeld it all in. But what do I do with all that anger (rage, really!)?

I spent my time last night with God; going through the readings and then just sitting on the back porch being with God, asking for his presence. Then this morning I did the same. And that verse in John really grabbed ahold of me. "The flesh counts for nothing." Nothing. Then why is it so importnat to me? Because I am made of flesh and live in the flesh. I am culturally influenced by success and failure, and by the focus on performance. It is a difficult thing to "starve" the need to succeed. Especially as I age and want to do what I used to be able to do.

I think we are taught that the flesh gives us life and the Spirit is added on to make us feel good. The flesh is not dependable and it really can bring us to nothing if we depend upon it. I want life. And I cannot have that by mere success. In anything. I can only have that through my life in the Spirit.

But the battle is not always easy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whn we come to God seeking Him and asking for His light in our life, I don't think He has "hard" words, certainly not harsh words. He knows we are feeble and weak, and he loves us as His children. There is a time for the "rod", but I pray that I can sit at His feet and ask, "Father, teach me." -CZ