Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day One - Covenant

As I filled out the covenant page and committed to giving up sweets for the next 40 days I thought for a while about what it means to make a covenant. In a world where contracts are renegociated or broken, and a person's word is no longer their bond, why will I keep this covenant? No one really knows (now you do) what I am giving up. There are no signs on my forehead asking people to be kind to me since I will not be eating sweets (or keep their own sweets at least 100 yards away from me). I will not be performing the "Great No Sweets Trick" for any audience. No am I doing this to lose eight. This is different.

A covenant is a binding agreement beteen two parties: this one between God and myself. I am sure I could have chosen something a little more difficult to give up for the next 40 days, like solid food, or driving my car, or contact with humans. But I wanted something that would be a subtle and constant reminder that God is present in my daily life, in the mundane and routine things of life. It is my hope that in seeing, passing up and resisting those tasty morsels that I sometimes even crave (last night I wanted double-stuffed Oreos), I will replace that craving with a craving for the closeness of My Father.

Well, it looks like today I will be taking my time with God later at night. The day is packed full and I got a late start today. Let me know (if you like) what you are fasting from and how your first day went. Let's travel this road together.


Anonymous said...

As you know, Pastor Kevin, I gave up alcohol. I am often in situations involving alcohol. I thought this would be a good idea because I know, by me not drinking, it will strike up conversation and questions. I think it will give me a good opportunity to explain what I'm doing and why. It will be difficult, at times, but I know with my "band of brothers" I can do it.

I love you all and good luck to everyone.


El Profesor said...

I gave up listening to music and the radio when I drive the car. Since I spend time everyday driving, I am hoping to start "practicing the presence of God" during this time.
While the radio and music are generally a mere diversion while driving, I have found times when I turn them on to tune out frustration or to delay having to think about or deal with situations in my life. Maybe the silence will be a reminder to refocus on God.

Anonymous said...

God has been teaching me about commitment - doing what you say you're going to do. So today, I made a few commitments for the next 40 days, and with His help, and with the knowledge of being a part of a Band of Brothers, I will do it. Wouldn't you know it, I had a terrible day at work today. But I'm letting that drive me to just be quiet before my heavenly Father. -CZ