Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 7

Let the Word of God "marinate" in your heart. This is the second reference to food in this journey. The first was more of a question of what you "feast on." Now we have a picture of allowing the Word of God be our marinade, which changes our taste, or flavor, enhancing us. Have you tried sitting quietly allowing a verse, or passage, just "sit" inside you, letting it be repeated over and over again. I have been doing this by my fire pit in the evening.
"Yes, Lord, alking in your ways we wait for you....."
"The Word of God is living and active. Sharper than a double edged sword, it penetrate even to divide soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thought and attitudes OF THE HEART."

When you use the ord of God as a marinade, your heart takes on the flavor (and substance) of God's Word.

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