Saturday, July 25, 2009

Day 3

Two things grabbed me tonight:
  1. "Be careful not to try to do God's job for Him. Relax....then move on." (p. 47) How important is that. We sometimes try to force God's presence or force guilt or force transformation. Then when we have manufactured a response or solution we stay in that sin or difficulty instead of moving on. God can do things without our help, although I think He desires a willing heart from us.
  2. I like what he concludes with as far as a collision goes. That why I said preaching several weeks ago that I am not praying for a revival. Revivals are momentary encounters with God that, for many people, are not lasting and they end up worse than when they began after falling away. I am praying for transformation. That I will be substantively different at the end of August than I am now. Yes, I am expecting something of lasting value to come out of this for me. (and everyone who participates).

1 comment:

El Profesor said...

This reading had a big impact on my Spirit. The definition of forgiveness was, sad to say, new to me. I tend to fall in the 'pity me, i'm penitent' category.
I also liked the phrase "Our lives will then be driven by conviction, not just convenience." A real life lived by conviction... sounds pretty good to me.