Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mark 4 and 5

People react to the things that Jesus does in a variety of ways:

When he shows his power and authority (calming the sea, casting out demons, healing a woman) the response is fear.  Who wouldn't bow is fear at the display of a power that we cannot fully grasp? 

When he teaches by parables the response tends to be either confusion or a seeking to understand the depths of the teaching. I like that he explained these things to his disciples when they were alone.

When he talked about the impossible (the girl is not dead) people laughed at him.  When we speak about doing the impossible through Christ don't people scoff?

And when he raised the girl from death, those with him were amazed.  How often are we amazed at what God does in someone's life?

How do you respond to what Jesus does (and has done)?

That's what I read.  What about you?

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