Monday, January 30, 2012

Mark 8-10

In this section Jesus:
  1. Has compassion on those who were with him 3 days without anything to eat,
  2. Refuses to give a sign to Pharisees who were seeking one to test him,
  3. Confused his disciples with talk about the leaven of the Pharisees,
  4. Healed a blind man after leading him out of the village,
  5. Asked his disciples who they thought he was,
  6. Began talking about his death and resurrection (3 times),
  7. Showed his glory to Peter, James and John,
  8. Cast out a demon that his disciples could not cast out,
  9. Taught his disciples that it is not about them, but about others first,
  10. Taught about the importance of marriage and the importance of children,
  11. Pushed the faith of a rich man,
  12. And showed mercy to another blind man.
 What is the most clear message of today?  We have a tendency to think that God should do things in a certain way instead of trusting that God's way is the best way.  The Pharisees and the disciples (and even the crowds) always seem to try to steer Jesus in a particular way.  But Jesus would have none of that.  I wonder how often we attempt to steer Jesus to our way of thinking and doing?

That's what I am challenged by today.  What about you? 

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