Thursday, June 30, 2011


I saw the title to an article by Francis Chan asking a question about whether we have a Supernatural Ministry.  My thoughts immediately went to a time in my life when seeking out the supernatural was so very important.  Trying to do things that were bound to fail unless God intervene and praying for healing with a confidence in God doing whatever God desired.  There are other times when all of that confidence in God doing something spectacular and miraculous disappears and I depend upon myself making something happen. 

As I read the gospel of Mark I am reminded that when Jesus sent out his disciples he sent them with nothing except supernatural power to heal and cast out demons.  Jesus fed the 5000 (and 4000) with just a few loaves and fishes.  That's Supernatural! People were healed by touching Jesus, bringing nothing more than their hope and faith.  That's Supernatural!  Do we believe enough in the Supernatural power of God as we do ministry and preach that people should repent (Mark 6:12-13)?

I think this is a matter of trust in God and His Calling.  Supernatural isn't only healing, but involves participating with God in doing things that only God can do.  A person who gives their life to Jesus is a supernatural act.  Discipleship is a supernatural act.  Worship is a supernatural experience.  Where does your life and the Supernatural connect?  Do you trust that God can do anything?  I mean really trust that the Creator God, the Lord of the Universe, can do anything in your life?

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