Thursday, June 9, 2011


The thing that changed the most about the disciples at Pentecost was not the miraculous things that happened through them by the Holy Spirit. Jesus had already given the 12 and the 72 he sent out the power and authority to do those things already and they were amazed (Luke 9:1 and Luke 10:17).  The disciples knew the power they had through Jesus.  They had experienced what it was like to pray and see healing happen before their eyes.  They had commanded demons to flee and they did.  What was transformed about them at Pentecost was not a miraculous holiness because the disciples would fail again (Peter in Galatians 2:11-14).  They did not become perfect when the Holy Spirit came upon them.

What was needed by the disciples, was a healing from the very thing that caused them to deny Jesus, betray Jesus and run away when things got tough.  The disciples had been afraid of so many things throughout the time Jesus was on earth.  The feared the religious leaders.  They feared failure.  The feared for their safety.  They feared they couldn't do this without Jesus' presence with them.

When the Holy Spirit came, Jesus promised the disciples they would receive power to be witnesses.  Did that include the miraculous?  I'm sure it did.  But I wonder if the more important part of what they received was courage that comes from the confidence knowing that God (through the Holy Spirit) was with them to give guidance, instruction, fruit and gifts.

The power of Pentecost was that cowards were transformed into the Courageous, and those who fled in fear now stood firm in their faith. 

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