Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Don't Seek an Experience, Seek the Spirit

At a conference I was at over 15 years ago an Assembly of God pastor answered a question about someone who was wanting to "speak in tongues" with the statement: Don't seek an experience, seek the Holy Spirit.  Maybe the reason it seems the Holy Spirit is quieter these days is because people are seeking from the Holy Spirit what they can receive instead of how they can be used with the power of the Spirit in their lives.

Jesus told the disciples that they would receive power  WHEN THE HOLY SPIRIT COMES UPON THEM AND THEY WILL BE JESUS WITNESSES.  Jesus does not say they will receive a glorious experience when the Holy Spirit comes upon them.  Jesus does not say that their faith will be affirmed when the Holy Spirit comes upon them.  Jesus does not say there will be great worship, healing or a peace that passes all understanding when the Holy Spirit comes upon them (although all of these things can happen as a result of the Holy Spirit's presence or operation). 

Jesus does say they will be WITNESSES.  Maybe what is missing is that we are focused not on taking the power given to us and being the witnesses we are called to be, but on whatever we can receive to make us feel good or spiritual or at peace.  Perhaps if we use the power of the Spirit in the way it was intended - to reach out beyond ourselves - all these others things will be the result.

1 comment:

Creig said...

I so agree with this!