Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Do We Really Believe What Jesus Said?

After his resurrection, Jesus teaches the disciples for 40 days about the Kingdom of God and then ascends to heaven, promising that they would receive power to be witnesses.  So with great expectation the disciples go back to where they were staying (after staring at the sky long after Jesus ascended into heaven) and proceeded to pray constantly.  For 10 days they waited, prayed and spent time together.  Would we be so patient in the promise from Jesus that we could wait 10 days for something we didn't understand, not knowing how long it would actually be until they received this power?  I tend to think we want what Jesus promised NOW.  And even then it is a little slow.

What is it about us that has so little patience for God? We quickly feel anxious, lost, unloved, alone or even angry when God doesn't deliver his promises on our time table and in the manner we think it should come?  To wait on God for His promises demands from us a trust that for us sometimes runs dry.  We have faith in God, but we sometimes do not trust God.  Maybe that is why we really do not try to tap into the power promised to us to be witnesses. 

During this week before Pentecost, pray that God would send to you Power to be His witness.

And trust that He will give it, or help you to tap into it.

1 comment:

WhatIfWeAllCared? said...

So true! Waiting on God's will in God's time can be difficult. I find it hard to not get ahead of Him. I want the end destination without all the necessary steps of growth in between. I know good and well that I am not completely ready, yet I fuss at Him about going through the next step. He is slowly teaching me to humble myself to His will in His timing.