Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Who's In Charge of your Rest?

OK.  This may be meddling a little bit into your life, because this thought has actually caused me to make sure that a certain part of my life is also surrendered to Jesus.  Did you know that the Son of Man (Jesus) is also Lord of the Sabbath.  Now if we understand the Sabbath to be that rest that God commands for us to take regularly (weekly), that means Jesus is in charge of our rest.  That Sabbath rest is not an escape FROM Jesus, but a retreat INTO Jesus.  Think about how we do this.

We often take our Sabbath as our "day off." This is our time to do whatever we want to do.   Do we give Jesus control of this time, or do feel we are Lord of this time?  We know best how to rest.  We know best how to restore ourselves.  I actually think we often get more tired, using our Sabbath to continue to run around just like we do the rest of our week.  It's our time to do fun stuff.  Have you asked the Lord of the Sabbath what you should do with that time?  I am asking myself this today.  How about you?

1 comment:

Beth said...

I just read that passage today in Matthew!! My favorite part of the story is when Jesus is speaking to the Pharisees and they were trying to trick Jesus, seeing the man with the shriveled hand, asked him if it is lawful to heal on the Sabbath. Christ's response is that is is not unlawful to heal on the Sabbath. It is amazing how even then, the people were so literal in their interpretation of the law, that it blinded them from what God really intended them to do. One point you made at a service a couple months ago, was you said that when we pray, we ask to invite God into our day. Then you said in actuality, we should be asking God to invite us into His plans for the day He created. That would most definitely include the Sabbath!