Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 27

I am behind. The guilt wants to grab me. Time has slipped away into the abyss of busyness. But I take captive every thought and know that even if I got behind on this study, finishing on time is not the goal. The goal is spending time with God each and every day, and throughout the day.

The mouth is such an interesting thing. James spends time describing how much it can control our lives. Maybe we need to spend less time talking, and more time listening. I know that is true in our relationship with God. It should help in our truth-telling, fulfilling promises, and relationships.

An aside: It has been an interesting several days (almost a week). It has been one of those periods of time where I felt I met people needs, supported another ministry, did good ministry to some in the church going through tough times and to some in the community (food give away and food pantry).

I am back in the office today and all I see is issues: administrative and building issues (cleaning nd details), at least one person I missed ministering to because I was gone and a host of other kinds of things. I am feeling that no matter how much I do, it is never enough. What do I do with these thoughts? They cannot be from God. I guess my battle today is to "take captive every thought."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Should I feel better that you're behind the same amount I am? (I don't feel better.) Being on travel the last four days makes me cranky about all the stuff I have to come back to that needs to be done. What does God want me to do? What is important really? God, tell me what's important today. -CZ