Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 12

Brutally Killed - that describes not only removing things from our lives, but the method. No compassion. Lots of energy. Violently remove. I'm not sure I have that in me. But I must be that ruthless in dealing with those areas of my life that are not turned over completely to God. I cannot be a slave if i still hold onto my past "owners." I cannot have a new life unless I kill the old life dead (I know its redundent). Brutally.

But that is not the whole story. We somehow stop at this point and never leave that battlefield. Even in our "successes" we tend to walk that battlefield and bask in the glory of winning a battle. But there is more. We have to become someone completely new. Once the battle in over and the sin has been killed, walk off the field and grab onto something God will place in your life. Then the battle will be done.

And we can have rest in that area.

Because it is dead.

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