Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 19

There is a selfishness in the Christian life that focuses mainly on ourselves and our own relationship with God. That why we can say, "God AND do whatever...." It's like we think God is holding out on us somehow and we know what is best for our lives. So we will add things that we KNOW God doesn't want in our lives because God doesn't know everything, and we know what is best for our lives.

Usually, though, we add these things subtly (like the serpent in the garden) and are unaware of what happened until we are hiding from God in the garden. Then we come to the key place: when confronted by God about things in our lives we have added, do we shrug our shoulders and say, "Oh well, it isn't that bad." or do we brutally kill that sin in our lives?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recognize in myself and others that we all wrestle with "God and..." They are harder to recognize and deal with than outright sin "because our selfishness is mingled with Christian lingo and practices." This helps me understand why some people behave the way they do, and helps me know how to deal with it.