Saturday, July 9, 2011

Do I Live By Faith...or Doubt?

As I prepare for tomorrow's message I am wondering how often I actually live or act by my faith.  Or better put, how much does my faith actually influence the actions I take moment by moment throughout the day?  I'm not talking about how my beliefs influence my actions because I think that what I believe about Jesus heavily influences my whole life.  I thinking more about faith: the confidence I have that God will do what God has promised whether I see evidence of it or not.

If you are like me, almost everything that we do in our lives is backed up by some sort of security.  Very little of what we do puts us out on a limb.  This is especially true in terms of our relationship with God.  We don't share our faith because we have fears.  We don't change a ministry because of our uncertainty.  We don't take a risk to do a new thing with our faith because we are comfortable.  We don't deviate from our drive home from work to do something God might want us to do because we don't want to be home late.  We don't reach out to someone in need because it will cost us something.

We tend to live more by doubt than by faith. 

1 comment:

miketacky said...

My faith gets stronger everytime I take a road that I haven't travel. What a rush it is when you take that road and you just know God had a hand in pushing you on it.