Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Chapter 6 - Spiritual Formation in Christ

This chapter gets more lengthy and somewhat repetitive. Just a few thoughts:
  1. Life in Christ has to do with obedience to his (Jesus') teaching.
  2. "We have generated a body of people who consume Christian services and think that is Christian faith. Consumption of Christian services replaces obedience to Christ."
  3. "Spiritual formation is to the process whereby the inmost being of the individual takes on the quality or character of Jesus himself."
  4. "One of the greatest temptations that we face as the idea that the personality an the heart are going to be transformed by some sort of lightning strike of the Spirit...suddenly you will be transformed in every aspect of your being. There will be no need for process - it will all be accomplished passively and immediately."

Willard focuses on the idea that it is a process by which we are transformed into the character of Christ, not by a lazy passive consumption of Christian goods and services. Do you think that is too strong a statement?

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