Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Chapter 3 - Who Is Your Teacher?

In the second paragraph of this chapter Willard writes,

"What happens to Jesus in the crush of the information pushers? Unfortunately, he is usually pushed aside. Many Christians do not even think of him as one with reliable information about their lives. Consequently they do not become his students. What does he (Jesus) have to teach them?"

Willard then says that if we would live the life which God made for us we must:
  1. learn from him (Jesus) the reason why we live and why we do the things we do;
  2. learn from Jesus a new internal character; and
  3. learn of his positive interactions and involvements with us in the concrete occasions of our day-to-day activities.

The point of this chapter is that we must trust Jesus as our teacher if we really desire the life God has for us.

Who is the primary teacher of your life?

An Apprentice of Jesus,


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