Monday, October 27, 2008

Sunday in Review

Well, it's Monday morning, the day most pastors play arm-chair preacher and spend the day evaluating, dissecting and finding fault with many things about Sunday. Not me. I am basking in the glow of a day spent in ministry with my church family. Oh, I could sit back and point out everything that didn't go perfectly during the service or focus on the things I said to someone that should have been said differently or be upset because I didn't talk to someone I needed to or missed a ministry need or even pick apart my sermon to the point of feeling that I really blew an opportunity for God's Kingdom. BUT I WON'T!

Instead, I choose to bask in the glow of a Sunday gathering of God's people worshipping God and loving one another. I love listening to people talking before service as they gather for worship. I love watching people talk afterwards, lingering to catch up and encourage one another. I enjoy watching the diaconate pray for people durng times of ministry and my heart so appreciates the hearts of those involved in leading worship. I am so thankful for those servants behind the scene who greet worshippers, take the offering, are in the nursery and work the technology during worship. And those who teach during Sunday School deserve honor for continually seeking to disciple children, youth and adults.

I enjoyed meeting with Youth Leaders (they are amazing) and those who came to Pizza With the Pastor (yes there was food at both) and visiting with those who I was able to see. I could sense God's presence in each place and enjoyed each person who was there.

Did everything run perfectly on Sunday. I really don't know and I am sure if I thought about it I could come up with pages of things that could be different or better. There may be a time for that. But for me, it seemed like a perfect day.

Hebrews 10:19-25

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