Thursday, August 11, 2011

God's Challenge

Something simple today.  I am being challenged.  Not to a fight or one-on-one basketball.  Not physically or emotionally or even intellectually.  God is challenging me to think beyond what is comfortable for me in my own spiritual life, and in Judson's Ministry.  This year has been far from normal and I have bounced back more slowly than I thought would happen.  Satan's attacks have been constant and, honestly, I have allowed those attacks to distract me and defeat me.  But God is challenging me.

It's time to move forward.  It's time to live in faith and do ministry in faith.  It's time to take God's risks and fight the fight of faith.  God has called Judson to go beyond where it is and not to be satisfied with past actions of faith.  There is a greater vision to consider than what we have settled for.

I am being challenged.  So is Judson.  What will we do?

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