Thursday, August 4, 2011

Asking the Wrong Questions

Why do people ask the wrong questions in regards to their faith?  In Luke Jesus is asked about taxes, marriage and the resurrection, authority and what will happen in the future.  All the while Jesus is telling stories about people who do and don't use the gifts they were given and watching a widow give out of her poverty.  Why does Jesus see what we often miss? 

We are too often focused on the theoretical and theological, as opposed to the action of the Kingdom of God.  We want to know what and why and how many angels can fit on the head of a pin.  We seek to be talked into doing what we have been commanded to do.  We need to discuss, argue and have conversation about things that have little to do with God's way of living instead of going out and living the Way of God and Kingdom of God. 

We also ask why we don't have 10 talents instead of the one we are given, instead of using the one we have been given.  In our jealousy or covetousness or insecurity we wonder why God does things in one place and not in another (or work through one pastor in huge ways and not in another).  That's being focused on the wrong things.  Maybe it is time to get back to the simplicity of using the talent we have been given until the King returns and not bury the talent or wonder why others have more. 

Questions are not bad.  It is how we learn.  But we need to ask the right questions AND go out and live God's life.  What are you focused on?  That's a good question!

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