Saturday, January 14, 2012

Matthew 10-12

There are so many different things in these 3 chapters:
  • He sends his disciples out with power and tells them not be be afraid, even though persecution, the sword and arrest will come to them.  Francis Chan said that maybe the reason we don't think we hear from God (by the Holy Spirit) is because we are not in the situations the Bible describes in which we will be given words to say when we are hauled before governors and kings.  When was the last time we were hauled before non-believers and told to give an account of what you believe?  That's when God will speak to you!
  • To the messengers from John the Baptist he says that the proof of the Kingdom of God is in what they have seen happening around them.  Do you see the evidence of the Kingdom of God around you?
  • To the unrepentant cites he says to repent, there is nothing more you need to see, and there is no more information that you need. 
  • To the weary and heavy burdened he says to come and and he will give them rest.
  • To the legalistic pharisees he says to show mercy for that is what God desires.
  • To the healed he says to not make him known, which seems odd doesn't it?
  • To those who speak ill of what Jesus does he says that their accusation make no sense and that they will be able to tell by his fruit whether what he does is right.
There is so much more, but what I read let's me know that Jesus does speak specific things to many groups of people.  Mostly he says to do God's will, stop playing with religion and show people God's love and mercy.

That's what I see.  What do you see?

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