Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mark 1-3

It seems apparent to me that as Jesus bursts onto the scene everyone was trying to figure out what Jesus was all about.  They were trying to categorize him as to which "party" he belonged to.  Was he a "law guy (Pharisee)?"  Or maybe he was a man of the people.  Was he an extension of John the Baptist's ministry?  Perhaps a blasphemer, one who was speaker wrong things about God.  He could be a healer as the crowds were willing to crush him just to touch him.  Was he possessed by a demon since he cast out demons?

What we discover is that there is no category to fit Jesus into, try as we might.  As Jesus himself said, "No one puts new wine into old wineskins."  Instead of trying to put Jesus into our categories, we need to put ourselves into Jesus.  Then we will understand who He is and why He came!

That's what I heard.  What about you?

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